According to EAM Jaishankar, the relationship between India and China is based on the "condition of the border."

According to Union Minister for External Affairs S. Jaishankar, the relationship between India and China will rely on the condition of the border.

S. Jaishankar, the Union Minister for External Affairs, claims that the state of the border will determine how India and China's relations will develop.

In light of the ongoing military stalemate between the two nations over a variety of contentious issues in eastern Ladakh, Jaishankar issued a statement to China in which he stated, "Sovereignty and territorial integrity will have to be respected. Initiatives that have a regional impact must be collaborative rather than unilateral. In particular, connectivity needs to be open, practical, and market-based.

Speaking during the opening of the Asia Society Policy Institute was Jaishankar. He claimed that India and China's relationship will determine a lot of Asia's destiny and that the region lacks any kind of agreed-upon architecture.

"Relationships must be based on the three mutuals: mutual sensitivity, mutual respect, and mutual interest," he stated, in order for them to resume a positive trajectory and continue to be sustainable.

"Everyone is aware of their current situation, of course. I can only stress that the relationship's status will depend on how the border is doing "Added he.

At a number of flashpoints in eastern Ladakh, Indian and Chinese forces have been locked in a standoff for more than two years.

High-level military talks resulted in the two sides disengaging in a number of regional areas, but the impasse continues to exist without any significant progress.

According to Jaishankar, a limited "Asian chauvinism" is really detrimental to the continent's overall goals.

Asia wants to take advantage of other regions' open doors precisely because it is so dynamic and inventive. That can't be a one-way street, of course," he remarked

Such a perspective is at odds with the realities of globalisation. Resources, markets, and supply chains cannot be divided any longer, he remarked, making a veiled allusion to China's actions.

Jaishankar added that the Indo-Pacific region's developments currently have a significant impact on the potential and challenges facing Asia.

In reality, he claimed, the idea itself "reflects a divided Asia, as some have a vested stake in maintaining the region's lack of interaction and cohesion."

They seem uninterested in the idea that cooperative projects like the Quad are better for the global commons and the international community, he said.

China has grown more wary of the Quad, which consists of India, the US, Australia, and Japan.

"Therefore, it is obvious that creating even a fundamental strategic consensus in Asia is a difficult undertaking.

"This desire to selectively preserve some aspects of the 1945 system while transforming others — and we see that in the UN as well — complicates world politics as the international order advances, "added Jaishankar.

According to him, there are resident powers in Asia, such as the United States, as well as nearby ones, such as Australia, that have legal reasons to be involved in the region.

"Their assistance is also crucial for protecting the world's commons. India is encouraged to move beyond exclusive ideas because of its universalist outlook, which is reflected in its belief that the world is a family, he said.

He said "political romanticism" encouraged the "Asia for Asian" philosophy of the Bandung Conference, which received a reality check after a few years.

According to Jaishankar, a united front only succeeds when all members share a common goal and there is at least a minimal degree of mutual confidence.

"Even in the past, solving this problem was not simple. Clearly, it is much more challenging now. The idea of Asia for Asians was also promoted in the past, even in our own nation.

"However, the Bandung spirit experienced a reality check within the first ten years. In fact, prior history demonstrates that Asians are unparalleled when it comes to realpolitik "He looked.

As the leaders of the participating countries agreed on peaceful coexistence and freedom from the hegemony of the superpowers against the backdrop of the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union, the Bandung Conference of 1955 between India, Pakistan, Burma, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), and some other countries was regarded as a significant initiative.

The Covid epidemic, the turmoil in the Ukraine, and climatic disruptions, according to Jaishankar, are all having an effect on how the Asian economy is developing.

Together, they "present a compelling case for more growth engines and robust supply networks"

"In parallel, there is a discussion going on in the digital world about openness and trust. It is still too early to anticipate how these will translate into strategic outcomes, "Added he.