The BJP and Congress are now at odds over the renaming of the Nehru Museum in Delhi.

About a year has passed since the Pradhanmantri Sangrahalaya was opened on the grounds of the same building as Teen Murti Bhavan's museum.

New Delhi: After the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library Society in Delhi was renamed as the Prime Ministers' Museum and Library Society, BJP and Congress leaders are fighting at a new frontline once more.
About a year has passed since the Pradhanmantri Sangrahalaya was established on the grounds of Teen Murti Bhavan, the edifice that formerly housed Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his party, according to Congressmen Mallikarjun Kharge and Jairam Ramesh, are allegedly attempting to downplay the accomplishments made by the nation's first Prime Minister.

Those who don't have any history have gone to try to change other people's pasts. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the architect of modern India and a fearless defender of democracy, cannot be minimised by the misguided attempt to change the name of the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, Mr. Kharge tweeted. He stated, alluding to the BJP's ideological forebear Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, "This simply demonstrates the low mentality and totalitarian attitude of BJP-RSS" (RSS)

Mr. Ramesh made fun of Prime Minister Modi's portrayal as the "Vishwaguru". "What won't Mr. Modi do to defame, denigrate, and ruin the reputation of the man who created the Indian nation-state? The self-styled Vishwaguru is a small, small man, weighed down by his insecurities "Ramesh sent a tweet.

The BJP has urged the Congress to refrain from politicking the issue and defended the museum's name change.

The attack by the Congress was described as "a textbook example of political dyspepsia" by BJP chief JP Nadda.

"...the unwillingness to accept the obvious truth that our country has been governed and established by leaders other than just one dynasty. Because Congress lacks the vision to recognise that PM Sangrahalaya is a project that goes beyond politics, "Tweeted by Mr. Nadda.

In reference to the Gandhis, BJP MP Neeraj Shekhar claimed that the Congress has never looked beyond one dynasty.

"Throughout his career as prime minister, my father Chandra Shekhar Ji, always put the country first. Even though he collaborated with Congress, they only ever considered one dynasty. Congress is now concerned because PM Narendra Modi honoured prime ministers from different political parties. awful attitude, "Tweets from Neeraj Shekhar.

The BJP said that the Congress has no qualms about insulting even its own former Prime Ministers. The contributions and accomplishments of Jawaharlal Nehru and his successors have been highlighted in a much better way with the use of technology, according to BJP national spokesperson Sudhanshu Trivedi, who claimed that the Congress is making accusations despite the fact that its leaders have not yet visited the museum.

The decision to change the name was made during a meeting presided over by Rajnath Singh, the vice president of the society and the minister of culture, the Cultural Ministry announced today.

Under its new form, the institution "details the contributions of all Prime Ministers, from Jawaharlal Nehru to PM Modi, and how they responded to difficulties of their period," Mr. Singh "welcomed the suggestion for change in name," the Cultural Ministry stated.

He referred to the position of prime minister as an institution and compared the paths taken by previous prime ministers to the hues of a rainbow. The Defence Minister stated that a rainbow must have proportionate representation of each colour to be considered attractive.