Anshina Jain, Content Specialist & Strategist - Softude has been recognized as Under 30 Emerging Industry Experts by Business Mint

Life started back in 1993. But the real hustle began in 2015.

Life started back in 1993. But the real hustle began in 2015.

Anshina Jain An engineer, not willing to give up self-esteem, eager to grab that first magical 5-figure job, came face-to-face with life's not-so-happy battle. Even after knowing C, C++, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JAVA, Android, Swift & MEAN stack, chose the humble path of content marketing.

Self and surrogated learning made me wiser than school and college combined.

Initially a job hopper, now working at Softude (CMMI Dev L5 Company), pouring all brain into innovating brand voices for their digital marketing agency EvenDigit.

Sometimes applauded, sometimes discarded (hey, nobody's perfect!), I somewhat managed working on 125+ niches, gaining the wisdom of working 15000+ hours pushing content through different channels, in various forms, to a myriad of masses.

My side hustles include stand-up, advisory for digital content creation, and bringing women from all fronts together.

Reach me at or for a little chit chat, some brain picking and a lot of knowledge sharing.

To acquaint you with my 9 to 5, here's a short story long:

Every brand has stories to tell—stories that will not only engage, inform, surprise, delight, and impact their audience but also deliver significant measurable business goals.

But, the average human attention span is less than a goldfish:

Goldfish: 9 sec

Human: 3 sec

Content is the best way of storytelling. But without a strategy - it's just stuff. And after centuries of human existence, the world has enough stuff!

So I act as the conduit between brand and consumer.

I'm a strategic thinker with the ability to develop and implement awe-inspiring strategies. My Proactive, Tech-savvy, and Organized working style helps me find the subject and medium best fit the unique identity and produce high-quality content that meets brand objectives.

I add WOW to brands through a strategic approach. My easy 3-step recipe for success consists of


Why you? What makes you different from your competitors? What makes you unique?

I do hyper-focused research down to the inner nucleus of your brand. I then get to know your client base down to what color pajamas they prefer.


I write irresistible, research-based copy that magnetizes your prospects until they're sold on. I don't just string words randomly. There is a science behind it that I know and follow.


I stay on the scene to partner up with your brand strategist

Sticky Copy + Fabulous Design = Charming Creative that Converts Perfectly